Weekend Reflection #30

Weekend Reflection #30

What I’m Reading: Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk

Its no secret I’m a fan of Chuck P. I’ve read most of his work but somehow never found the opportunity to crack open Invisible Monsters. This one is a lot of fun, in a totally twisted way only Palahniuk can provide. An unnamed narrator tells her life story from fashion model success to disfigurement, arson, and cons. Not to mention one of the best twists I’ve ever read. I thought I could use some fun, dark reading in the midst of all of the chaos and this one definitely delivered.

What I’m Trying to Do: Maintain Routine

The coronavirus outbreak has more or less put my life at a standstill for the foreseeable future. My classes have moved online and most of my projects and work have been canceled or postponed. With all of my new free time, there is an extreme temptation to slack off and waste the days away. It’s a dangerous path. To avoid it I’m trying to keep as much of a routine as possible. I’m cutting back where needed and doing what’s responsible but still maintaining some sense of normalcy. It’s difficult but letting it go would be much worse.

A Quote I’m Thinking About:

You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

Marcus Aurelius

Posts This Week

Keep Moving

Consider the Worst-Case Scenario

Weekend Reflection #29

Weekend Reflection #29

What I’m Reading: The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis

This was meant to be the first book by Lewis I was going to read. But, I felt that diving right into his more recent work was jumping the gun. So I put it off until I made my way through a few others and felt really familiar with his work. But of course, every book was a new striking voice, and this one is no different. Here Lewis dives into the life and collaboration of Israeli psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky who changed the way we think about, well… thinking. Together they studied bias and decision making revealing how feeble our minds can actually be. While the psychology is interesting (I recommend reading Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow), the story behind their friendship is even better. I can’t recommend this one enough.

What I’m Reminding Myself: It’s Not That Important

This last week I went on a cruise with some friends. And, by choice, I went (almost) entirely without cell service or internet. While it was nice to get away from social media, It was even nicer to get away from the stress of work and projects. But, of course, my inner anxiety would catch up with me. I found myself worrying about gear rental emails and the paperwork I needed to do. I dreaded what was waiting for me in my inbox. While it was full, nothing I was worried about had come for me. In fact, everything was fine. We often like to use the phrase “it’s not rocket science” about easy things. But it’s at times like this; it’s also a good reminder that it’s not nearly as important. And most jobs and projects aren’t. We stress a lot about things that in the grand scheme are laughably unimportant. So why get worked up? Sure, something might go wrong, or you might miss an email. Is it going to be stressful? Only if we let it. The truth is it is as big a deal as we let it be. So let’s keep some perspective and remember that it’s all going to be okay.

A Quote I’m Thinking About

People are not so complicated. Relationships between people are complicated

Amos Tversky
Weekend Reflection #28

Weekend Reflection #28

What I’m Listening To – What The Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell

Despite my undying adoration for Gladwell’s work, I always struggled to get through this one. I couldn’t say why. After exhausting his books and podcasts, however, I was left with nowhere to turn. I’m glad I gave it another shot. While it doesn’t have the same weight as his other works, this collection of articles showcases the best of Gladwell’s curiosities.

What I’m Excited For: Taking A Break

I’m off this week on a cruise, which unfortunately for this blog means no posts next week. I could have written ahead and scheduled posts, but I felt it better to leave it alone for a week and see what kind of energy I can give back on my return. I’m excited to get this time away, I’ve been deep in the midst of projects and shows. I could definitely use a week to practice stillness and cultivate some energy in a new environment.

What I’m Working On: Relying on Others

I’ve been struggling a lot recently with my ability to trust others with important work. Or more accurately, try and reign myself in form overstepping. I spent a lot of my early education and training more or less doing things on my own or working for someone else. But, with my biggest sound design project around the corner, I’m having to rely a lot more on my team. While I know they are capable, I’m finding it hard not to constantly check-in or offer up solutions (especially dangerous in the world of education).

A Quote I’m Thinking About:

“I shall never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good.”


We have something to learn form everyone. Don’t discount the words of someone else because you dislike them. Seneca often quoted Epicurus, the founder of “the enemy” philosophy, Epicureanism, that opposed his own Stoicism. Seneca knew that sometimes even the opposition has something worth considering.

Published This Week:

5 Books to Kickstart Your Personal Growth

Books: The Best Thing Money Can Buy

The Daily Linchpin

Weekend Reflection #27

Weekend Reflection #27

What I’m Reading: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

One of the best self-help books I’ve read thus far. Forleo has managed to add some new perspective to a very crowded genre. The book manages to balance personal testimony (author and reader), style, and actionable practice, and mantra, all without overwhelming the reader. Its the self-help book I wish I had from the beginning, and I will definitely be recommending this to others looking for a place to start or refresh their practice.

What I Missed: Publishing an Article

After all that talk of my writing routine last week, I totally missed publishing an article this week! I beat myself up about it a little, but getting the routine down is going to take time — like anything else. I’m determined to get it out this Friday and get the routine down.

What I’m Getting Back to: Photography

As I get this whole writing thing down, I’m finding I need to round my hobbies out with something visual. Unfortunately, my photography hobby went away as I devoted more and more time to the blog. As with everything, I can waste time thinking about it, or I can do it. So this week I’m hoping to pick up the camera again and get back to the streets.

This Weeks Posts:

To Be “Authentic,” We Must Be Consistent

It’s Just Not For You

Weekend Reflection #26

Weekend Reflection #26

What I Accomplished: 6 Months of Weekend Reflection

In honor of 6 months of these posts, I’ve decided to change the name to the Weekend Reflection. It feels more fitting for what these posts, and this blog, has become.

What started as a way to reflect and vent has now become a regular practice and routine. More than that it lead me to the creation of this blog and a whole new creative outlet I never knew I had. I wouldn’t have imagined 6 months later it would become such a vital part of my life. Here’s to sixth more months of reflections ahead.

What I’m Listening to: Break Shot by James Taylor

The sound designer in me absolutely loves this audiobook, although it’s more like a performance. Break Shot, from the mouth of Taylor himself, takes you through his childhood and artistic beginnings through to his initial success. Early recordings, demo’s and performances are scattered throughout, tying the narrative together beautifully. I’m relatively new to the world of memoir and biography, but even this short 90-minute piece has given me more than I could have asked for. I will absolutely be digging more into the genre. The audiobook is free for audible members until April, and I highly recommend you take the time. Fan or not, it’s a brilliant look into one of the most prolific songwriters of our time. 

What I’m Reading: Show Your Work by Austin Kleon

This book couldn’t have come along at a better time for me. Kleon, following up on his first book Steal Like an Artist (another recommendation), reveals the necessity and tools of sharing your work. This for me has been one of the most difficult things to do. I’ve always felt a bit strange sharing this blog. This book has given me a lot to think about, and more importantly a lot to work on and experiment with. One of the great things about Kleon is his practical advice (like reading obituaries!). His books give you a palette of things to try. I will absolutely be referring back to this book and his others for advice as I continue to create.

What I’m Working On: Writing Routine

Working more regularly on the blog I’ve settled into a kind of routine. In order to keep myself accountable, I’ve decided that I’m going to do my best to stick to a publishing schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays are Impromptu post days. These posts, as the name implies, are written the day off with minimal editing. They serve mostly as reflections of what I’ve been pondering and/or drafts of what may become larger pieces. These impromptu pieces help to keep me on my toes and force me to get something out, even if it’s not perfect. In order to balance this, I will be publishing longer Articles on Fridays. These will feature more in-depth topics or reflections and will be written ahead of time with more editing. Hopefully, the balance of these two styles will keep things interesting and lead to even more development.

Weekend Reflection #25

Weekend Reflection #25

What I’m Reading: The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler

Similar to my favorite What Makes Sammy Run, (I seem oddly drawn to novels form the 40s and 50s), or Netflix’s The Politician, this book follows the life of Duddy Kravitz, who, in his misguided ambition, will do anything he can to “be somebody.” Inspired by his grandfather’s warning: “A man without land is a nobody,” Kravitz swindles, lies and cheats his way through his family and friends on his quest to buy up lakefront property to develop into a resort. I’m sure you can guess as to how it goes, but the beauty of this book is its personability. Unlike a lot of stories of this nature, Richler lets you see the journey as a whole, taking you into Kravitz’s mind with every rash decision. In the end, it becomes incredibly clear how someone (and many do) could come to believe in this kind of life. If other books from this era have seemed un-approachable, I would recommend you to take a look here, the story and its message punch through no matter the context. 

What I’m Struggling With: Work/Play Balance

I’m terrible at balancing work and play. While in practice, I can jump back and forth; rarely, my mind is ever able to switch so quickly. Chances are if I’m in work mode, it’s all I can think about when I’m at play and vice versa. The result is that I’m rarely ever able to focus on what’s at hand. While some schedule changes have helped (such as the “chunking” I discussed last week), it really does come down to a sense of presence and ease, something I am working towards every day. 

What I’m Cultivating: An Annual Reading List

One of the things I’ve come to love about my reading practice is stumbling on the one book that somehow wraps up and captures the ideals or lessons of a hundred. As my library grows (faster than I can read it), I want to be able to hold onto those books as they come along. So with this in mind, I’m going to start drafting an annual reading list, ten or so books for me to read every year that encapsulate the most important lessons I’ve learned along the way. I’m sure this list will change as time goes on, but at the very least, its an interesting exercise in keeping lessons at the forefront of your practice. When I finally get the bookshelf up on the running, I’ll be sure to include these top-reads on the list as well.