Weekly Roundup #18

What I’m Reading: Creative Calling by Chase Jarvis

I’ve never seen a book play the line of inspiration and application so well. This book is Jarvis’ call to action for creators. He provides insight on his approach to living and designing a creative life, how he gains traction with his audience, examines the life of fellow creatives, and even gets down to his daily habits like cold therapy. More important; however, Jarvis shows us that all we truly need to be creative is to take the first step, take the risk we’ve been wondering about, and repeat every day.

What I’m Considering: When Plan Meets Feeling

Sometimes we can spend weeks or months fantasizing about the future and our plans. The world has trained us to think of this as a sure-fire strategy. It seems the most successful always plan their lives well in advance of their achievements. So we should as well, right? But what happens when we get there and suddenly we want something else? Do we abandon the plans we’ve laid to risk it all on something else? My gut says yes, but my head says no. Perhaps there is something worthwhile in between. A small risk, a slight change in the plan, could be all we need to show us the best possible future.

The Essay I Fell In Love With: “I Never Went to Iceland” or “The Summer That never Was” by Tim Kreider

This essay only serves to solidify Kreider as my newfound favorite writer and storyteller. I’ll let the piece speak for itself.

Weekly Roundup #17

What I’m Reading: Range by David Epstein

I will be recommending this book to absolutely everyone. It is one of the most exciting, applicable, and thought-provoking books I’ve read thus far. Epstein deconstructs the popular ideas of our pro-specialization culture, such as tiger-parenting, the 10,000 hours theory, and much more. In opposition, Epstein offers support and validation for the notion that generalists, those with a wide range of experience and knowledge, are far more valuable and necessary than we tend to believe. I would strongly recommend this book to teachers and educators, those currently facing career struggle, or those who are confronting an unknown future such as high-school and college students.

What I’m Discovering for Myself: Stoicism

My journey with personal philosophy has been slow and wavering. I have been drawn to various philosophical ideas over the years, most strongly associating myself with existentialist thought. However, over the last few years, I’ve found myself more and more attracted to the ideas of Stoicism. It first started when I read Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. I found many of the ideas and questions inherent to his journaling were things I was considering and facing in my own daily life. It wasn’t until recently, however, that I began to dive more into the practical ideas of Stoicism in other texts. Perhaps it is its practicality that I find so engaging. The more I explore its tenets and beliefs, the more I find they are readily applicable and hinged on the action and practice. I’m unsure of where this will take me, but I am enjoying discovering a new way of thinking and interacting with the world.

A Quote I’m Thinking About: “You can’t eat your brothers and have them too.” – Budd Schulberg

From Schulberg’s book What Makes Sammy Run?. I have never found such an exciting way of considering egotism as it relates to the communities we have. It is impossible to maintain friendship and collaboration if we seek to abuse those for individual gain.

Weekly Roundup #16

What I’m Reading: What Makes Sammy Run? by Budd Schulberg

I’m enjoying this book. I rarely read a work of fiction these days, but this book has quickly become one of my favorites. The story follows the ever-ambitious writer Sammy Glick, squirming, betraying, and weaseling his way up the ranks of Hollywood. The central question of the book “What Makes Sammy Run?” is asked by our narrator, Al Manheim, as he follows Sammy along his journey, studying his egotism from the perspective of a slightly jealous, slightly curious, and slightly obsessed “best friend.” The commentary on the relationship between hollow pursuits and the ever-hungry machine of commercial entertainment has struck home in multiple ways for me. I will be thinking about this book for a long, long time.

What I’m Reminding Myself: It’s Rarely Important

If there is one thing, artists need reminders of its that it (whatever the current issue is) is seldom as important as we think it is. That’s not to discourage the work or the value of the art. I want to be very clear about that. But sometimes we artists get a little too caught up in our world. It’s not life or death. Sometimes it may feel like that, but that doesn’t mean it is. In reality, it only takes a toll on our stress levels and anxieties. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to step back and try and see the situation for what it is. Not only can this help us find a solution, but it can also give us the perspective we need to put some distance between us and the martyrdom that lurks in every artistic endeavor.

A Quote I’m Thinking About: “There’s no glory in being a rich, 50 year old boy; the same child at the end of the journey as the beginning, only with a fatter wallet.” – Ryan Holiday

Weekly Roundup #15

What I’m Reading: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

Sinek’s most recent book brings an application to James P. Carse’s ideas on life as a series of games, both finite and infinite. We are accustomed to the former; they have clear sets of rules, consistent strategies, and clear winners and losers. The infinite game, on the other hand, is not played to win, but to keep playing, with no clear winners and inconsistent, if any, rules at all. Using these ideas, Sinek argues that the prevailing structure and strategies of today’s businesses are playing the wrong game, favoring finite and arbitrary metrics over the values and developmental incentive of a game that is endless.

What I’m Becoming Obsessed With: Documentaries

One of the biggest challenges I face is attempting to limit media consumption as a distraction. While I don’t think I’ll ever be able to break up with Netflix entirely, I’m always looking for things that can make that time more valuable without sacrificing entertainment or creativity. So when I stumbled onto The Imagineering Story and Free Solo on Disney+, I quickly became hungry for more.

What I’m Challenging Myself With: More Writing

As the new year approaches, I’m starting to think about what I am beginning to think of new challenges or “resolutions” for myself. Of all of the projects and practices I have developed this last year, writing has been the most rewarding and creatively challenging. Motivation, however, has been missing, and not for lack of inspiration. It seems then that I need some accountability. Therefore, I am going to challenge myself to put out at least one new post or article a week in addition to the weekly roundups. A small and straightforward start. Who knows what more might come after this small step?

What I Want to Try: The Notecard Method

A significant flaw of mine has always been my inability to capture and process ideas or inspiration. In my recent exploration of the works of the author, Ryan Holiday, I discovered his way of doing just this. The basic idea is that when you are struck by an idea or by something intriguing, you write it on an index card and file it away, categorized by project, concept, or use. Then, when you return to that project or idea, you can return to the cards for inspiration and organize them into a structure and story. I have absolutely no idea if this will work for me, but of all of the systems I’ve come across, this seems the most promising. Perhaps an update on this method in the future.

The Quote I’m Pondering: “The pretense of knowledge is our most dangerous vice because it prevents us from getting any better.” – Ryan Holiday

Weekly Roundup #14

What I’m Reading: Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

Holiday’s book fell into my lap via a recommendation during the freelancer’s workshop I’ve spent the last month or so working on. This book will force you to make some hard confrontations with yourself. Approach with ease, Holiday’s insights and methods can be brutal and overwhelming at times. That all said every time I put the book down, I walk away considering myself and how I can better rid ego from my interactions. If you are interested in the ideas of stoicism and enjoy books like The War of Art, I can’t recommend this book enough.

What I’m Re-discovering: Bouldering

I’ve never been any good at it, but something about the act of climbing rocks and solving “problems” is an endless source of enjoyment. Not to mention the extreme sense of accomplishment that comes with discovering a level of fitness or flexibility you never knew you had. This love of mine started about two and a half years ago, just at the end of my freshman year. For lots of reasons not worth going over I took about a year off. But now coming back to it, I find myself obsessed all over again. In some ways, I’m better at it now, in other ways worse.

A Quote I Love: “Most people are just too self-absorbed, well-meaning, and lazy to bother orchestrating Machiavellian plans to slight or insult us. It’s more often a boring, complicated story of wrong assumptions, miscommunication, bad administration, and cover-ups—people trying, and mostly failing, to do the right thing, hurting each other not because that’s their intention but because it’s impossible to avoid.” – Tim Kreider

I’ve recently fallen in love with Kreider’s work. I’ve just finished his collection of essays We Learn Nothing. He has quickly become my favorite writer (a reckoning I’m still considering the implications of).

The quote speaks for itself, but there’s something beautiful in the way Kreider reminds us that people genuinely aren’t out to get us.

Weekly Roundup #13

What I’m Reading: Stumbling on Happiness – Daniel Gilbert

It took me a long time to come around to reading this book. Eventually, so many people I respect and look up to recommend it that I had to give it a shot. I’m glad I did. One you forgive the self-help-y title, this book is a fascinating dive into the psychology of happiness. A lot of Gilbert’s arguments have wormed their way into how I think about my everyday life. I’m interested to see how they play out in the long term,

What I’m Struggling With: Health vs. Habits

I’ve been on a roll lately. I’ve been healthy, mindful, and have spent a lot of time on my intellectual and artistic pursuits. But this week, for the first time in a long time, I got sick. The things I’d been doing every day for the last six months ground to a halt. Priority one for me was to try and maintain as much of my day to day life as I could. But the hardest part is putting your health against your habits. It’s hard not to feel guilty when you need to take a step back. At some point, we need to remind ourselves that we are playing the long game. A break when we need can be even more important than the work we put in.

The Quote I’m Thinking About: “In an infinite sea of possible beliefs, evidence is the only life preserver we’ve got.” – Mark Manson

I love two things about this quote. The first is the acknowledgment that the conflicts we deal with are wholly based on belief, not facts. This perspective is something that often gets overlooked and forgotten in the shoot-from-the-hip arguments on social media. Secondly, that those facts are not tools for our discussions, but something substantial to hold onto in the rush of those beliefs. Too often, we jump to using facts and data as our weapon of choice. But today’s conflicts are that of belief, and no armor is more equipped to dull facts than belief. The importance of evidence lies not in its lethal potential, but in how we use it to tell a story. When told in the right way, a story can encapsulate any belief, turning that evidence into a movement and an epidemic of change.