What I’m Reading: Flash Boys by Michael Lewis
As I continue to hone my writing craft, it only makes sense to study the greats. I first found Michael Lewis, like most, through the film version of The Big Short a few years ago. Then, a few weeks ago, I discovered his podcast, Against the Rules. What I love about Lewis is his ability to tell great and complicated stories all through the power of his characters. The connection he creates allows him to make a thriller of the most esoteric, yet entirely important, stories he finds. Flash Boys, through the characters of Brad Katsuyama, Ryan Ronan, and others, takes a look at the loopholes, flaws, and inefficiencies in the US Stock Exchanges that led to the rise of predatory high-frequency traders undercutting the everyday investor. It’s a phenomenal book to begin my studies on Lewis.
What I’m Listening to: Broken Record From Pushkin Industries
It was only a matter of time before I found another Malcolm Gladwell work to make a part of my life. This one, however, was a reluctant partner. As the title suggests, the podcast is all about music, specifically interviews and discussions on major artists and producers. Now, don’t get me wrong I love music, I doubled minored in it, after all, but the deep convictions most people have for their tastes slipped away from me sometime in the last few years. I was wary of how interested I could be in these interviews, but, of course, Gladwell drew me in again. The stories and discoveries to be found in this podcast are amazing. It’s also nice to be listening to something just out of pleasure and the love of a good story.
The Commitment I’m Making: Daily Creative Time
Until recently, my writing has happened in bursts of inspiration or boredom, often one inducing the other. While this has been an excellent forum for myself, if I want to develop as a writer, I need to do just that, write. Therefore, I have decided to institute daily creative time. For now, 2 hours every morning, set aside for the singular purpose of writing and creation. While this doesn’t necessarily generate inspiration, it’s time I start to create a habit of my writing sessions. So far, I’ve enjoyed putting myself out there. The only way I can continue this, and continue to get better at it, is to show up every day and write.
A Quote I’m Thinking About:
“Empathy means challenging your preconceived ideas and setting aside your sense of what your think is true in order to learn what actually is true” – Tom and David Kelley