It’s Just Not For You
February 17, 2020
Written By: Owen

We can spend a lot of our creative lives criticizing the work of others. We all want to believe we could have done a better job or had a better idea. “I would have done it this way instead” or “That color? Really?” Hell, a lot of people are all criticism and very little creativity. But let’s be honest, we don’t know any better. Not really. We are all lost on the creative path, trying to stumble on something worth sharing. Some of us maybe a little farther down, but we are all just trying to figure it out.

So why waste your time criticizing? Because the truth is that criticizing comes easier than creating. And that soothes us. Creativity and ego are a matched pair. As we start to build creative confidence, we inevitably want to show it off. As we develop a style, we are suddenly at odds with everyone else’s. So we point, and we criticize, and we nitpick and try to show how much more creative we are than everyone else. Creativity without creating.

The worst crime of all, however, is believing we have any say in what someone else created. The truth is it’s probably just not for us. We can dislike something, but if we do, well then, it wasn’t made for us, and that’s okay. Everyone is trying to connect with someone. That someone isn’t always you. So leave it alone. Maybe someone will come along and see beauty where you never could. 

Don’t bother fretting about how it’s not what you would’ve done — go and do it. 

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1 Comment

  1. Micah

    An interesting accompanying piece of art with this article is this song from Jordy Searcy, Jealousy:

    I’m always shocked that this song exists, since it’s unusual for a song to be so condemningly honest about the narrator, particularly the narrator as a songwriter and art-maker.

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